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z-ro 8
S2 licensed
I bet RO and the VWS and tire physics are already done, the devs are just waiting to see if Dec. 22,2012 comes.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
The economy is fine.
Its the governing body that's not filling the stands.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Cannot attend due to BRISTOL BABY!!!!!!!

Bristol Weekend
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Just wanted to boast a little about the fact that I'M GOING TO BRISTOL BABY!!!!!

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
The Phil hath spoken.

Carry on.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from palan5 :lfs username: Palan5
first and last name: Alain breteau
country code: France
desired car number: 749
team affiliation: Fragmaster
gender: Male

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Kova. :20:00 utc qualifying?

Sounds ok for me, will be present.

No, it's a 1 hour long open practice session.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Skin for #81 RSR.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Phil knows.

All should listen.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Although it'll be a highly unpopular idea, banning the bumpdrafting could surely clean it up.
Some people simply can't take or give a constant push, be it lag or experience.
I had no problem getting to the front in my last session simply because several cars were attempting to bump, would gain a little then lose a ton due to nearly crashing from lag taps.
Was able to pass Simon and Joe on the outside of T1 because they slowed from bump lag.
Was also able to pull away from Yann and Ramon because they were having issues while bumping.

Trust me I know how important it usually is to have someone pushing you to the front, but the current conditions don't allow it. And yes you can get there without it.

If the practices don't get better, I surely am not going to waste my time.....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Standard procedure when you want to question the lineup is to pull next to the car you think you should be swapped with. IF the admins are paying attention they'll check replay to verify.
No need to be sorry mate. All is good.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :LOL anyways on topic- I sucked. bad quali + bad lag + bad tires + wrong setup = good fail

Yeah it's a shame such a nice paint scheme is wasted on your car....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
CSF needs a breathalyzer attached to his Post Reply button.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from M.M.L. :Hello.. What these numbers mean. What if I put another number?
# Race state: /vote, /midrace, /mustpit, /canreset

You can give some users limited admin rights even if they do not have server admin password.

Quote :# ================= LIMITED ADMIN RIGHTS - LIMADS ================= #

# In this section you can define people with limited admin rights,
# including the commands they can use and actions they may take at
# different levels.

# In FREE version you may use the following levels: < 0 = everyone,
# 0 = lowest limad, 2 = mid limad, 4 = virtual admin, > 5 = no one.
# FULL version supports finer limad tuning by adding: 1 = low limad,
# 3 = high limad, 5 = more than admin, requires admin pass as well.

You can define who these users are by putting their LFS usernames in here:

Quote :# --------------------- Limad Names and Levels -------------------- #

# Usernames (registered) of limited admins aka limads. These names
# are checked upon connecting and exact case insensitive match is
# required. Default rights: Level 0 - can use prohibited names (good
# for team members), Level 1 - can kick, Level 2 - can ban anyone
# connected, Level 3 - can ban and unban anyone, Level 4 - can do
# almost anything, Level 5 - can also manipulate with stats.

Limad4=(blah blah)
Limad2= (blah blah)

You can set different users to allow different actions by changing the numbers each user has.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 : Airio.srv.txt

UserMotd= will be near the beginning of the file.

Here is an example:

Quote :# Defines message displayed to every connected player or limads (and
# admins) or only to full admins - string(s)
# Divide long messages into several lines starting with +, which means
# adding the text to existing message (not overwriting it).
UsersMotd=^3Welcome {NickName} ^3to {ServerName}
LimadMotd=^7To see the Airio tracker limad commands type ^3!lhelp
AdminMotd=^7To see the Airio tracker admin commands type ^3!ahelp

I am not sure if any commands in { } will work in free version, but they surely work in FULL or PROS...
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from pjuniorbra :Hi,

How do I get these settings as images that you posted on the website of how to configure the server AMGMOTORSPORTS AIRO, which shows an extra setting up the configuration options, the name that appears as an example [AMG] D. Farmer, the others could do and will run from above not, will not appear on the screen, how?

Google translate ftw.

Taking a stab in the dark, I think you want your server to welcome users by their name.
So in your Airio.srv.txt look for UsersMotd=
and put this:

Quote :UsersMotd=^3Welcome {NickName} ^3to {ServerName}

Hope that's what you needed.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
You can, simply name it Set a,b,c.....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Too bad we couldn't kidnap the UKCT team and force them to hand over the X-system.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Nice idea Jason.
I think one thing to consider is to limit the number of co-op servers though, otherwise you may continue to have what exists now: 15 to 20 servers with Just a handful of people.

Its been said before, there's plenty of people still on LFS, they're just spread out too much.
Its time to bring them together.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Last year I had a GT2 server set up to start 15 minutes of practice at the top of every hour, followed by 10 minutes of qual then a 30 minute race.
Airio took care of all messages and server settings. It's easy to set up, and since it's on a set schedule, you knew you could look at the clock and decide when and if you could join or not.
It didn't get much use, but then I never really promoted it. Was more or less just something for me to do messing about with Airio.

Just a suggestion....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
If the server is running Airio insim, there is an option for the provider to disallow multiple connections to a server from the same IP.
Contact the server owner and see if this is the case.....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
For all that you've done for the LFS community, if there's anything I can do, I'm in.